Monday, April 03, 2006

time warp

Between the sleeping and the reading and the paint of the table my weekend vanished. I swear, I didn't get a chance to do ANYTHING good - wtf??
And this week at work is shaping up to be just as helacious as the last few. Argh!
I spent about 7 hours total to stipple an image onto this table which sounds REALLY lame in retrospect. We have this table from Ikea that was just too bland and too blue, and I was bored and ... well. This is what happens, folks. The design is something that Ryan dreamed up for me about 10 years ago and we use for silly artwork between us. Seemed ideal for a blank table.
The Kid's girlfriend probably thinks I am retarded. She came over a few times this weekend and I was always hunched over the table in scrubby paint clothes all 'hey' when she's all radded out (yes 'rad' is a verb) for the punk rock show. C'est la vie.
also : finally reading Kavalier & Clay. Freaking BRILLIANT book.

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