Friday, February 05, 2010

Pizza Flavored Ice Cream

Last night, we went to see one of our favorite comedians, Mike Birbiglia, at the UCB Theatre which was awesome. He did a "light" version of his Sleepwalk With Me show, which was sooo fantastic. (listen to a portion of it on This American Life) I had wanted to go to New York to see his show, but it closed before I could get myself across the country to get there. Boo! So when I saw he was coming to UCB, I snapped up tickets quickly and I have never been more satisfied with anything I have done in my life. Ever.

The show is so moving. It's hilarious, for sure, but it's also just so touching. It's the true story of his sleepwalking disorder, which doesn't sound like great content for comedy, but... it is. And the way he tells it... wow. He is a masterful storyteller, to say the least. We left there just saying "wow" over and over. He had the entire theater eating out of the palm of his hand.

If you're familiar with his style, then you'll know that he's not a "shock" comic, going for big deliveries. Instead, his punchlines are these soft fluffy things that are literally the feather needed to knock you out of your chair. The entire audience had tears in their eyes; first from laughing(the guy behind me literally spit in my hair, laughing so hard) and then from being genuinely touched. Hard to describe, but when he comes to your town DO NOT MISS HIM.


Anyway, one of the jokes that he made was about pizza flavored ice cream (two great things rolled into one!) and for some reason, it just stuck in my brain. So tonight, I made this little mock-up of what pizza flavored ice cream would look like.

pizza ice cream

Just a bit of silly fun in an homage to someone I respect greatly.

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