In addition to watching a Marathon of Movies* and crafting all the livelong day, I also made time in my busy buzz bee schedule to spend twelve hours at Disneyland with the people I love! No, not all of them. Just two of them. But really, any more than that and it would have been hard to walk and chat (sidewalks just aren't wide enough!).
I met up with Miss Bliss and we started off the day with some coffee, tea, and bagels over at the Disneyland Hotel. She'd never been to the hotel before, so we did a mini-tour to see the awesome Disneyana display case and the concept paintings upstairs. Then we walked through the discount shop to see all the- what? You didn't know there was a discount shop? Why yes, yes there is. When the Crystal Shop on Main Street has an excess of items (say, blown glass bugs), they send them over to this little shop, which is bridged above the koi pond. Half of the shop has recently been turned into an arcade, but c'est la vie. The shop mostly has discounted/discontinued crystal, glass, and fine collectibles (i.e. Lennox china, Armani porcelain) but there are sometimes neat things to be found - and at great prices.
Anyhoogle, we were making our way through Downtown Disney, headed toward the parks and I decided that yes I do need to go to the bathroom after all, so I did a quick about-face to head back to the restrooms. I nearly bumped into the guy walking behind me (because I am clumsy) who had a Curb Your God t-shirt. I saw it, Bliss saw it, the guy saw us see it and we all smiled together. As soon as we walked away, Bliss said "I should have said 'great shirt'" and I said "I should have said 'hey! I was just listening to the Transplants on the drive over here. Awesome work!'" because the guy in the great shirt was Travis Barker (drummer for Blink 182, the Transplants, and approx. 1 million other bands).

After sitting and talking without a single break and barely even drawing a breath for five hours, Kate met up with me and Blissadeedoodah and we had some lunch and shopped and talked. We made a stop by the Opera House to check out the 50 Magical Years movie and found Maynard working inside. If you don't know already, Maynard is one of the most famous Disneyland employees ever. He's a total card and very silly and makes everyone's visit a lot more enjoyable. There are websites dedicated to Maynard "sightings" because he's qualified to work nearly every ride and attraction at the park, so he could show up anywhere at any time (most employees are trained in one or maybe two attractions/shows). The girls had never met Maynard before and got a total kick out of his wacky ideas (his proposal to be a costumed mermaid, for instance, in a tank of live fish where he would perform whale songs). We had some time before the next show, so I made a quick dash to the restroom and the doors closed right when I came back. I totally spoiled it for the girls. OOPS.
But they were very kind about it and instead we shopped around and I scored the third tiny hitchhiker in the random toy series. Yay! I am a nerd!
The day was fantastic and full of fun and also very long. When we realized it was after 9pm, we finally acknowledged our droopy eyelids and gave ourselves permission to be sleepy, so we headed home. For the first night in I don't know how long, I fell asleep in about 2 minutes. I slept like a lamb. I woke up with a tomato face from not wearing sunblock (idiot!). I am still sleepy, but it was totally worth it.
*Movie list: Thoroughly Modern Millie, Victor/Victoria, Oh in Ohio, Lars and the Real Girl, and Fired!
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