Tuesday, November 30, 2004

snow white

Will posted a story about an embarrassing clothing situation when he was a kid, which reminded me of this :
This is one of those weird stories that I don't know exactly how to preface. When I have told it before I could say "speaking of weird... you remember [insert her name], right? Well check this out..." Since you have the equisite pleasure of not knowing this Odd Girl it's hard to begin the story. So I am just going to jump right in. Sorry if it's jostling for the rest of you...
Odd Girl's young nephew was diagnosed with cancer. He was only a year and a half when he was diagnosed and barely over two when he died. During this time, he lived with Odd Girl and her mother (his grandmother) which was a very strange situation, to be sure. Without spending 3 hours on the backstory, let's just say "trust me" that these people are weird. Anyway, the young boy was taken care of in the house, where he eventually died. He apparently died in the early morning some time, while watching Snow White on the couch. The whole family was around him, with the exception of his mother, Odd Girl's sister. The family called her to come over, and when she came, she found her baby dead. Stricken with grief, she laid next to him on the couch for hours. As a family, they decided that they should watch Snow White again, since it was the last thing that he had seen. While one re-wound the video tape, the other gathered him in a blanket. They sat and watched the movie, stroking his hair and petting his soft cheek. Then someone had a better idea.
Odd Girl ran to the local mall, in search of the Disney Store. There she purchased the Snow White costume : dress, slippers, wig, headband and headed home. At home, they dressed the boy, now several hours dead and cold in the Snow White outfit and watched the movie again, hoping that somehow like the prince in the movie, their kisses would revive him. They spent another few quiet hours with him, dressed as Snow White, before they called the coroner to take him away. While they waited for the coroner's team, they posed the boy on the couch, arms crossed over the chest and took pictures. They took more than a roll of film of the boy, laying there in red and yellow crinoline and a black wig.
When the coroner's office arrived to officially declare the boy dead and remove the body, the team moved gently, ever the professional. They asked the family to move to the kitchen while they performed their examination and prepare the little girl for transport. Odd Girl's sister lost control and began screaming about how it was her son and "how dare you" and generally panicking and crying. The family tried to console her, while the poor EMT apologized, saying that he assumed that there was a mistake on the dispatch record when he saw the child in the dress and wig.
Of course, this became even more traumatic for both parties when the cororner's office had to ask how many hours the child had been dead before they were called and the exact conditions of his death. It made for a messy situation for both sides when he had to gently extract the story of why they would dress the boy as a girl and take photographs and then explain why it would be difficult to return the dress to them completely undamaged, as full rigor mortis had now taken effect.

Monday, November 29, 2004

my life, the soap opera

Ryan has finally convinced me to sit down and start penning the days of my life, which are exactly as they sound : cheesy soap opera.
We had a lot of campy drama and shocking cliff hangers, tossed in with equal parts humor and turkey this weekend. It was an interesting concoction, to be sure, but each story is pretty interesting in its own right. At least, Ryan thinks it is.
Anyway, I am already preparing to be committed if I take on one more stupid project, but I am really rolling this one around in my head... I think I want to take it on.
I am hoping that after I decorate the Xmas tree/shop/bake/cook/clean/host company/knit 3 scarves/sew a blanket/embroider a sweatshirt/make your present this week I will find a moment or two to revamp the ol' website, which has really needed some attention for a while now. The new site will have a story section, but I am not sure yet how it will all be laid out... hmm...
Until then, I will post a few at a time on my writing project site : http://writober.blogspot.com [I know the side bar is jacked, I will address it shortly]. Just promise you'll still be my friend when you find out what my family is really like.

Monday, November 22, 2004

all in all we had a ball

Today Ryan met me at work for lunch, which in reality means that he made himself subject to my dragging around town from store to store, in search of goodies and supplies and keyboard locks and gift certificates. It turned out to take waaaaay longer than anticipated, thanks to the kindly folks at Krispy Kreme, who had pre-processed my 100 certificate order and then for some unexplainable reason deleted it all back out, so that when I arrived at the store, they offered me a donut and promised that it would take 15 minutes to input the data. 2 hours later, I was on my way.
With nothing more than a donut and an iced tea in my system for the day, you can say I am a little out of sorts. Which in reality means super exhausted but overly giggly. Now that I am down from my sugar high, the only thing that I can remember for 100% certain that I really laughed at a lot was : an ice cream truck* that plays the theme song from the Halloween movies. Is it really that funny? Don't ask me!
I promise to have a "real" post for you soon - tonight maybe? I have some things in the works and I am totally distracted by making holiday cards, Christmas presents, writing three new stories, reading three new books and laughing about ice cream trucks.
Instead, things that made me laugh this weekend :
  • watching the crazy lady downstairs try and sweep the leaves off her walkway, while the wind was swirling up a mess
  • the Incredibles
  • walking around the house Saturday night with a flashlight clipped to my pajama pants, because the weather was so bad that I was sure that the power would go out. Instead of going to bed, I stayed up watching movies until 4am, waiting for the power to go off... I am an idiot
  • channeling past Passion of the Christ on TV while listening to Anthrax
  • making a joke regarding the Anthrax/Passion connection, similar to the Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz connection**
  • Joe Weems is a crazy cat lady, now having 4 cats, 2 of which are sequestered in his bedroom
*side note : did I ever tell you about the pirate ice cream truck that I saw? Or my neighbor that drives a hearse?
**you have to be pretty stoned, but this really does work

Friday, November 19, 2004

elf and magic

I demand that everyone go home tonight and watch "Elf" - whether you rent it, borrow it, or buy it is not my concern, but you really should see this movie. It's deliciously ridiculous and I am giggling at my desk just thinking of it.
The reason that I want you to see it (and recommend that all your friends do the same) if because I want the quips from this movie to become lexicon. I want to answer the phone "Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?" and have people laugh - not hang up.
Also I think that everyone should start watching Arrested Development. [I know, what am I? the Nielsen Ratings people?!] I have seen a few episodes and never really paid much attention, but Ryan loves it so I bought the box set when it came out last week. We watched it the other night for like 2 1/2 hours [p.s. I got a lot of Xmas knitting done - yay!] and it is SO freaking smart and funny. You even forget that Jason Bateman was ever Teen Wolf too!
I have some stories from the last week to share with you that I will blog in greater detail when I get a chance to scan and upload some pictures. Until then - I do love you all. Especially Styro who is going to grace me with her presence like a Christmas Miracle.

Friday, November 12, 2004

body work

Yesterday, I realized how out-of-the-loop I am about school aged kids. Since when do they get a THURSDAY off from school for Veteran's Day? And could someone please send an email out about this crap or something, so some hapless idiot (me) doesn't go to Wahoo's expecting to "run in really quick" and pick up lunch. Apparently if you are between the ages of 2 and 20, the place to be yesterday was Wahoos. Poop to that!
Ryan (also a hapless idiot) found the same thing at the museum where he went to see the Body Worlds exhibit. He said that there were a lot of bored young kids, whose parents were dragging them through the jam-packed exhibit hall, also school groups and other gawkers who wanted to see what all the fuss is about.
Since I wasn't able to go to the museum yesterday, we are planning another trip. We learned about Gunther von Hagens in our anatomy classes, because our school has it's own plastination lab, so we use a lot of plastinated cross sections for study. I have to admit that I was more than a smidge jealous that Ryan got to go before me. He was totally blown away - completely amazed at the technique, the result, and the magnificent artistry of Gunther von Hagens.
After talking about the exhibit for more than 2 hours, Ryan turned and told me "y'know, that was the first time that I had ever seen a dead body." I thought about it for a while... not necessarily trying to think of an example to prove him wrong... but I thought about what a weird way that would be to see a dead person for the first time. In a museum exhibit - and one that is so... ? what's the word?... out there? expressive? artistic? surreal? I made a quick vow to enroll my children into a science school as soon as they can read. I grew up around medical things and situations. Always had an appreciation for the inner workings of the human body. I wonder how other people consider their bodies... can you truly understand the tear-evoking beauty of the nervous system, if you have never teased the nerves out of their casing? Can you appreciate the intricacies of your own heart, if you have never held one in your hand? Will you ever know the feeling of 'viscous' until you have opened an eyeball and pushed the vitreous humour between your fingers?
Every day I am overwhelmed by my own body, and the complexity of it all. And I wonder - does anyone else think about it at all?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

quien es mas macho

I am trying to decide which I love most today :
setting my phone to 'do not disturb' and closing my eyes for the full 5.5 minutes of "Great Gig in the Sky"
p.s. i [heart] yahoo launch cast. I have made a really good station - let me know if you want access to it!

Monday, November 08, 2004

weekend update - with Tina Fey

Things I didn't do this weekend :
  • clean the bathroom
  • take those bags of stuff to the Goodwill
  • figure out a cool pattern for one of the knitted scarves I am making
  • read my new book
  • like the long-anticipated episode of the Simpsons
Things I did do this weekend :
  • watched Mean Girls
  • fell in love with Tina Fey all over again
  • watched Saved!
  • started 3 new knitted scarves
  • laughed when Paula Dean said her pecan pie was so good it "makes you wanna sass your mama"
  • ate Del Taco breakfast burritos in bed
  • got on three rides (Tower of Terror, Haunted Mansion, & Pirates of the Caribbean) in one hour in 2 theme parks (Disneyland & California Adventure)
  • nearly cried when I saw a little girl gasp and go numb with joy when Cinderella walked past her
  • laughed when someone said "it goes off more than the smoke alarms in Snoop Dogg's house"
  • ate Skittles for the first time in a year

Saturday, November 06, 2004


I feel like someone just ran over my dog.

Friday, November 05, 2004

extreme make over

I am bored and when I get restless... and usually grab for the scissors. I am ready for a change. Tonight I plan to wax my eyebrows within an inch of their pathetic little lives, then chop off a fistful of my dead-grass hair, then probably dye it some new color... I have been wearing dark hair (black with blonde) for too long. I liked it, I mean, I was no Patricia from the HorrorPops, but it was pretty cool... but I am done now. And the blonde ends are turning into Barbie hair and it sticks together when it's wet... just gross. I am hoping that this Haircut Therapy will change my outlook a little and lift me out of this funk. And make me more funky in the process.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

get the vote out

I will be on my way to the polls here in a few minutes. I hope that you have all found your way there too.
In case you haven't heard, there is at least one prostitute in Nevada (who called in to the Howard Stern show this morning) that is offering favors in exchange for voting for John Kerry. Since there is no way to know who someone voted for, she said that she will "hold a gentleman to his word" and accepts your voter registration card and/or "I voted" sticker as proof of a cast ballot. When asked what favors a person might ask for, she advised that she is giving away 15 minute sessions, and anything goes. She also has imposed a max. of 25 people for the day.
When asked how she can offer services like that, especially over the radio, she reminded Howard that she is allowed to have sex with anyone she wants, anywhere, any time, just like the rest of us. However, if someone wants to extend their free promotion and pay out of their own pocket, she will charge the regular hourly rate, which is taxable in Nevada.
Some people will really go the extra mile for their candidate...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Halloweems VI

I am totally thrown off by 1) late nights, early mornings 2) going to
bed at 7am 3) waking up at 11am 4) time change

...but in the end, it was all worth it. Thanks to Joe, John, & Dave for
hosting "Halloweems VI" at their house on Saturday. It was a great
party and I am still suffering all the after-effects. The devil's lair
was complete with unabashed debauchery on every level... needless to
say many boobs (and boobings tips) were seen in quantities that was
only offset by the quantities (in liquid ounces, of course) of vomit.
Not by me (I have my No Fun Mia reputation to maintain!) but by several
other partygoers.

I have posted my pictures href+http://giddygirlie-halloweems.buzznet.com/user/">here, and I
am working on posting the rest of my belated pictures from the Cayucos
Tavern and other miscellaneous adventures.

Fortunately for me, I have taken Monday off from work for a much-needed
(and well deserved, I might add!) break, so I get to sleep in late
tomorrow and recouperate another day. If I get the chance, I'm going to
haul Ryan's butt over to Disneyland for a spin through the Haunted
Mansion and then over to ride the Tower of Terror, so that it feels
like an official day of fun. More than likely, I will fail at waking up
before p.m. hours and after washing several loads of laundry will
succumb to the "back to work tomorrow" blues and spend the rest of the
day trying to squeeze a summer's worth of entertainment into the last
few hours of my night. typical.

Happy Halloween everyone!


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