Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Forget Ryan! Hire ME!

I am a nerd and I like to do nerdy things. I will do just about anything for money, as long as it's nerdy. And not kinky nerdy... well, alright, I'll consider it if it's kinky...

If you have any of the following - I'm your gal!
  • pants that need to be hemmed!

  • a p-nut butter sandwich that needs to be made!

  • embroidery projects that need to be finished! or started!

  • a weird itch in between your shoulders that you just can't reach!

  • an achy, tired foot!

  • a word that you need looked up in the dictionary!

  • a judge to determine if that sweater is navy or black!

...the sooner you hire me, the sooner I can take New York by storm!!

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