Friday, July 18, 2008

a new favorite

I'm super exhausted after a mind-numbingly busy day at work and so I have just been loafing on the couch instead of doing things I need to do. Which is pretty awesome.

Which afforded me the opportunity to catch up on my TiVo'd episodes of Last Comic Standing. One of the comics made a crack about someone that left me dead on the floor. Put it on my death certificate: asphyxiated while laughing at scripted 'reality' television. That'll shame me for a good, long time.

The one comic said that he disliked the other comic so much he wanted to feed him "a popsicle made of my own barf"

Which makes me think of my favorite LA grafitti and start chuckling all over again. Excuse me, it's time for someone to go to bed at 10:30pm on a Friday night.

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