Wednesday, June 04, 2008

support our heroes

Call us nerds, dorks, or geeks, but comic book people take care of their own. The comic book industry is unlike a lot of others. There is no guild, no union, no club. There are no 401ks, pension plans, or vacation days. For most creators, their salaries (which are not as glamorous as most people seem to think) are not the driving force in staying in this field. It's the love of the art, dedication to the medium, preservation of the culture, and the interaction with the fans (who appreciate all of the above) that keep them going. Which is a wonderful and noble thing.

A lot of people are surprised when they learn about how the industry works on the inside. How the majority of creators are freelance artists. Even though some creators may have contracts or steady work with major publishers, they are not privy to the same benefits as the average office worker - no benefits, no over time, pay-per-project work, etc. Which allows many creators incredible flexibility in their careers and personal lives and can be a great opportunity.

That is, until retirement age has approached, and/or passed. Until a tooth aches or a child is sick. Then what? In a largely freelance field, there is no safety net. That's where the Hero Initiative comes in.

Ryan and I were very touched to learn that one of our friends, Josh Medors, who is bravely fighting a rare form of cancer, was recently selected by the Hero Initiative for support. Several auctions have been held - and will continue to be held - to help with the expense of treatment and convalescence.

We hope that you will check out their events and auctions and support all of our Heroes, including Josh.

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays' creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment. For more information, call 310-909-7809 or visit

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