Wednesday, August 03, 2005

missing YOU

I have so many stories swirling in my head, but no time to type them all out... and probably not anything you'd really want to hear anyway. Maybe someday I'll post 'em up somewhere.

Am I the only one who feels cheated by not going to Blogher? I feel... left out. I want to meet people! Stay in hotels! Wash with tiny soaps! Drink gin and laugh about poop!!

Where are the SoCal blogger meet-ups?? I demand that you come to see me and bring your adorable children, so that I can squeeze them!! In the meantime, I think I have to kidnap Will and drag him to the New York Dolls show at the House of Blues... any other takers? I don't bite (unless paid to do so or you are an infant with chubby cheeks)!! I chew with my mouth closed (mostly) and I promise not to post unflattering pictures of you on Flickr!!

Let's start a fund-raiser to host something fun... to fly some of our favorite people from out of town to SoCal, we can hang out at the beach and drink mojitos and get sunburned and trade stories about poop and the latest blogging technology... or the best picture of Ewan McGregor's penis (whatever appeals to you!)!!

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