Wednesday, June 15, 2005

time is flyin

It seems like only yesterday, I was being harrassed about being a teenaged hussy... that the old ladies in the grocery store would spit at me and hiss at my mother about what a disgrace I was... barely a baby myself and now to have a child of my own - shameful! I remember taking this sweet pale baby with a face like a grouchy old man to Disneyland and watching his face light up when handed a sugary churro and promptly slobbering it all over his shirt. The sweet lady with the white hair who bent down to tell me what a beautiful family I had and that even though I was so young, she had a good feeling for me and that my baby would grow up to be happy and we would be lucky in life. She walked away before I ever got to explain. All those years of him calling me "mom" and chortling to himself when he saw the reactions of the people in public when this greasy faced 16 year old girl in overalls shot him a look and said "I'm not your mom, I'm Mia" and he'd say "mom, mom, mom, mom" over and over... just to watch the shock of the cashiers and bag boys of the world. I swear to you, it was only a blink ago that he was sitting in the back seat of the car, humming the theme song to Jurassic Park in that angelic baby voice, making both me and Ryan cry a little at the sweetness of it. It couldn't have been more than a moment past since he jiggled my boobs and said "hey mom, why do you have these heavy things?" "I'm not mom, I'm Mia" "oh yeah - hee!" Or all the mornings when I'd hear the click of the lock being pried open while I was washing my hair and a naked babe was suddenly barreling into my warm tub of water at 1,000 miles an hour. Splash! "Get out" "But my feets are cold...see?" [smashes toes into my back].

Having to bathe with your uninvited two year old brother with icy toes tucked under your buttcheeks, while trying to convince him to stop telling people that you are his mother, doesn't sound like much fun. And at the time it wasn't always fun. But I still can't believe how the time goes by so quickly!

Tomorrow the Jurassic Park addicted baby graduates from elementary school and makes his way toward junior high- I am totally blown away.

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