Monday, May 09, 2005

is ooe is a word?

You know that drink is working it's way through when you're looking at your Scrabble rack and you're pretty sure that you see something brewing...

Apparently, I am not alone in having the WORST scrabble hand ever. This isn't my picture (above), but it was the exact combo that I drew on Friday night. And while I sat there for like 30 minutes, trying to plan my next move, I must have reached for my tiles at least 10 times with an "a ha!" flying off my lips... only to realize that UA is an airline code and not legal in Scrabble Land, or IUD is also an abbreviation that isn't legal -- plus, you need a "D" (which there weren't any).

Also, you know you're a lil' tipsy when someone does a double play -- something like "at" and "it" -- at you're all "whooooa. duuuuude."

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